The endorsed Micro Focus independent software user group, Vivit Worldwide, is here for you through Advocacy, Community, and Education. We want to help our members, both Customers and Partners, obtain the maximum benefits from their investments in Micro Focus. Whether you are a current member of Vivit or looking to become a member, our membership is free and our local user group events are open for ALL to attend. VIRTUAL LUNCH & LEARN Lunch is on us!* Seating is limited View this full session replay and slide deck. Scaling Continuous Delivery across the enterprise is critical for a successful DevOps transformation. As organizations accelerate the delivery of new software releases, the testing to verify the quality of those releases is in danger of falling behind. New styles of development and delivery have arrived, and so too must a new style of functional testing and validation be created to align with the efforts of our developer colleagues. Join Micro Focus, in Partnership with Vivit Worldwide, for a virtual discussion to learn about: - The latest innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning as they relate to quality assurance and functional testing
- How Micro Focus addresses and solves continuous delivery issues facing the software industry today
Speaker:  Paul Bratlien ADM Solution Architect Micro Focus - Paul Bratlien is the Application Delivery Management Solution Architect at Micro Focus with 10+ years of experience using and administering Quality Center / Application Lifecyle Management (ALM)
- In addition to using and administering ALM, Paul held roles as a developer, automation specialist, and performance tester in small and large organizations
- Immediately prior to joining Micro Focus, he was a Program Director leading large-scale projects where he was recognized for overseeing multimillion-dollar projects that align business goals, technology solutions, process improvements and bottom line gains for the organization.
*at the end of the event, attendees will receive a virtual $25 lunch coupon compliments of Micro Focus (excludes Micro Focus employees and affiliates). #VivitLUGEvent, #ADM, #ArtificialIntelligence, #QualityAssurance, DevOps, #AI, @MicroFocus Join this meeting at: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/798999893. . |