The endorsed Micro Focus independent software user group, Vivit Worldwide, is here for you through Advocacy, Community, and Education. We want to help our members, both Customers and Partners, obtain the maximum benefits from their investments in Micro Focus. Whether you are a current member of Vivit or looking to become a member, our membership is free and our local user group events are open for ALL to attend.
View this full session replay and slide deck. Extend proven ITSM success across every level of your company with an easy to use tool that facilitates End-User Self-Service, Machine Learning and Automation for agents, in a flexible, container-based package that goes anywhere. Speaker:  Kate Seamans Engagement Manager Whitlock Infrastructure Solutions - Is a Technical Manager focusing on ITSM with experience as a customer, vendor and consultant
- Has worked for Whitlock IS for 2 years
- 19 years of experience as a Manager using Micro Focus products in addition to specialties in ITIL and SIIP
*at the end of the event, attendees will receive a virtual $25 lunch coupon compliments of Micro Focus (excludes Micro Focus employees and affiliates). #VivitLUGEvent, #MachineLearning, #Automation, #ContainerBased, #ITSM, #ESM, @MicroFocus Join this meeting at: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/925508245. |