The endorsed Micro Focus independent software user group, Vivit Worldwide, is here for you through Advocacy, Community, and Education. We want to help our members, both Customers and Partners, obtain the maximum benefits from their investments in Micro Focus. Whether you are a current member of Vivit or looking to become a member, our membership is free and our local user group events are open for ALL to attend.  View this full session replay and slide deck VIRTUAL LUNCH & LEARN Lunch is on us!* Seating is limited Robotic Process Automation (RPA) imitates human effort to complete tasks, thereby boosting the capabilities of teams that perform high-volume transactional processes. Operating non-invasively on the surface (UI layer) without compromising the underlying IT infrastructure, RPA bridges the technology gap between fragmented, semi-structured legacy systems. Join us as we introduce you to Enterprise-class RPA. During this session you will learn to: - Build RPA with security, auditability, scalability, and resiliency
- Eliminate human errors introduced by workarounds and manual data entry
- Complete tasks in record time and ensure a reliable 24 by 7 operation.
Whether you are looking at RPA for the first time, or have already started your journey, join us to learn why Enterprise RPA is so important and how it can help you! Speaker:  Eric Fisher Senior Solutions Architect Micro Focus - Is a Senior Solutions Architect at Micro Focus
- Has over 10 years of industry experience at Micro Focus, (and HPE, HP, and Opsware by heritage)
- Works with some of the largest Fortune 500 companies in the US to evangelize automation, promote Micro Focus cloud and automation solutions, and help to translate technology into business value
- Based in Phoenix, AZ, he has a passion for technology and over 20 years’ experience working with data center engineers and IT experts, both as a consultant and a customer
*at the end of the event, attendees will receive a virtual $25 lunch coupon compliments of Micro Focus (excludes Micro Focus employees and affiliates) . * gift cards will be in the currency of the host country #VivitLUGEvent, #RPA, #RoboticProcessAutomation, #ITInfastructure, @MicroFocus Join this meeting at: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/285237437 . . |