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View this full session replay and slide deck This webinar is brought to you by the Vivit Project & Portfolio Management (PPM) Special Interest Group (SIG). IT projects in a highly regulated financial environment require more scrutiny than most. KeyBank has been a long term Project & Portfolio Management (PPM) user, configuring and customizing PPM to meet their portfolio needs. In this session, we will: - Review the current iteration of their Proposal process
- Look at the pertinent data points that allow creation of either a Program or Project
Uniquely, approved Programs can then spawn projects with relevant data points that in turn draw funds from the Program. Speaker: Tasha Holland PMO Consultant KeyBank - Has over a decade of experience
- Has been using, implementing, designing, developing and supporting various Project & Portfolio Management applications for technology organizations within large financial institutions
#Vivit, #VivitSIGWebinar, #PPM, #KeyBank, @MicroFocus Join our webinar at: